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The Bio mechanics of Show Jumping: Maximising Horse Performance
The Bio mechanics of Show Jumping: Maximising Horse Performance Show jumping is a breathtaking sport that showcases the elegance, power, and agility of horses. Behind every successful jump lies a...
The Benefits of Crumb Rubber Footing for Injury Prevention in Equestrian Arenas
In the realm of equine sports, the choice of footing in arenas is not merely about aesthetics or even performance; it's predominantly about safety. Among the plethora of options available, crumb...
So, you have now decided that you want to do showjumping, a discipline known for its jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring jumps in the high levels. Showjumping is a lovely discipline, where horse and rider...
If you are interested in improving your showjumping skills or learning something completely new in partnership with your horse, you might like to attend a showjumping clinic. But what is a...
Showjumping is the horse riding discipline most non-riders think of during Olympic equestrian events. Dressage mystifies and confuses the non-horsey-folks, as Eddie Izzard has famously explained. But...
Tweed was back in a big way in 2020, although some argue it never went away. This classic and currently trendy fabric is known to provide excellent insulation, is thick, and generally pretty durable....