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For hundreds of years, horses have carried the heavy burdens humans have put on them without any complaints or apparent struggle. This does not mean that large loads do not significantly impact a...
The essential oil and aromatherapy trend in the equestrian community is all the rage these days. Suppose you questioned this trend and decided to try it. We all have doubts about trying...
If your horse wears shoes, it's a sure thing he will lose a shoe once in a while. Horseshoes will usually stay on your horse's hooves until your farrier returns, but sometimes horses throw...
Rainwater is from nature and it is free, it doesn’t cost anything. It is one of the renewable sources of water. Water from the sky is fresher than water from a water treatment facility....
All horse owners at some point have to transport their horses, whether it is twenty miles or a few hundred miles, and your horse might have to sleep overnight in the trailer. Is it safe to do so,...
Even the calmest horse can get scared of the loud explosion noises and flashing lights of fireworks. The Fourth of July weekend is enjoyed by most people, but it spells out concern, anxiety, and...