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You feel that your horse is all on his own in the barn, and you want a friend and a barnyard buddy for your lonely horse. Are you thinking about getting a companion animal to keep your horse...
You just finished a vigorous training routine with your horse, and all of a sudden, he is all cramped up with muscle pain. What do you do? It's too late for a vet to come out, so do you give your...
Cushing disease is one of the horse diseases and ailments that can affect your horse's health and wellbeing. To understand if you can ride a horse with Cushing's disease, we must look more closely at...
Feeding your horse a well-balanced diet that includes all the correct vitamins and minerals it needs to be a healthy horse can be quite a daunting task and require careful planning. So, is feeding a...
To understand why a horse is a bully, we first have to understand a bit more about horse behavior. What we perceive as bullying can be horses sorting out their hierarchy with natural herd...
Have you ever stood next to your horse, and they start rubbing their head against your hand or even up and down your body? Your horse can also rub their heads on poles, their legs, or the side of the...