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As we gallop into 2024, the world of equestrian gear is evolving with a unique blend of technology, sustainability, and comfort. From Eco-friendly materials to smart technology, this year’s trends...
The Benefits of Crumb Rubber Footing for Injury Prevention in Equestrian Arenas
In the realm of equine sports, the choice of footing in arenas is not merely about aesthetics or even performance; it's predominantly about safety. Among the plethora of options available, crumb...
One-Piece Stall Mats vs Individual 4×6 Horse Mats for Horse Stalls
For those deeply involved in the equine world, ensuring the welfare of your horse is not merely a responsibility, it's a passion. One aspect of this care is the stall environment. The debate...
Horses naturally live outside in nature; provided horses have shelter from the elements and food, they can live outside. So, why do horses need stables? In this article, we discuss if horses need...
Have you ever wondered if there are any benefits and value in working your horse by simply walking or leading him around? This article looks at ways walking exercises benefits your horse; let's find...
A horse's hooves grow continuously, just like human fingernails. This article looks at hoof care and what can happen to a horse that doesn't get its hooves trimmed regularly. Hoof care is vital to...