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Domesticated horses require constant care and attention to keep them fit and healthy. Between regular trips to the farrier and almost daily cleaning of hooves, it is difficult to imagine how horses...
Standing about 18 hands tall and weighing in at around 1600-2400lbs, the Clydesdale is a majestic and powerful beauty. You may be familiar with the Budweiser TV advertisements where the Clydesdale...
Horses are far more tolerant of cold weather conditions than we tend to give them credit for. Just because we may think it is excruciatingly cold out, it does not mean that our horses agree. There is...
Some first-time horse owners asked if their horse can live independently and affect his health? Let's find out if this is a good idea to keep a horse on his own. Horses in the natural world are...
For hundreds of years, horses have carried the heavy burdens humans have put on them without any complaints or apparent struggle. This does not mean that large loads do not significantly impact a...
Rainwater is from nature and it is free, it doesn’t cost anything. It is one of the renewable sources of water. Water from the sky is fresher than water from a water treatment facility....