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"Horses for courses" is a British proverb about people. At the proverb's root is the understanding that you use the breed of horse best suited for the discipline or activity at hand. For example, a...
Horses come in a variety of breeds, just like dogs and cats. Thus, some horses suit specific tasks and jobs better than others. Draft horses, such as Percherons, are powerful and are perfect for...
Horses' have one of the most complex, sensitive, and convoluted digestive systems of any livestock. Almost all mammals have stomachs, except for a small handful of evolutionary anomalies, but how...
Some horses have birth certificates or registration papers, making it easy to tell how old they are as it is a simple matter of arithmetic. Other horses have no papers and are sold from home to home....
How long a horse can run sounds like asking how long is a piece of string. Many equestrians will snort and tell you that their horse can run as far as it takes to get home. But there are some stats...
Many a horse rider enjoys a good hack. But it is terribly awkward to be out and about with your mates when some farmer starts bellowing that you are all trespassing. Then your mates start yelling...