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Horses typically have four gaits, walk, trot, canter, and gallop and the difference between a trot and canter lies in the order in which the horse's legs move and whether the legs are moved...
Draw reins and martingales have different purposes, and it can be challenging to figure out when you need to use either. This article explains draw reins and martingales and how they should be...
Most Western riders choose not to wear a helmet while competing; even though a helmet costs less than the entry fee at a western show, there is a reluctance to wear helmets among western horseback...
Most jockeys use a whip to encourage their horse to run faster, but how many times is a jockey allowed to legally whip his horse during a race? In his article, we look at legal whip use amongst...
A horse's hooves grow continuously, just like human fingernails. This article looks at hoof care and what can happen to a horse that doesn't get its hooves trimmed regularly. Hoof care is vital to...
Horse stall doors are essential to a stable, but when designing your stables, a decision that can affect the safety at the barn is whether the stall doors should open in or out. We look at the...