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Due to their characteristics and natural breeding, some horse breeds are better for hunting than others. When looking for a good hunting horse, it can be challenging to know where to start. This...
The fastest horse's main difference is that some breed breeds excel in short distances while others have endurance and stamina during long distances. How do we find out who is faster? This article...
When riding in the mountain trails, you need a horse that can handle the terrain, distance, and challenging obstacles you might encounter in mountainous areas. So, what breed of horse is best for...
Some Horses spend more time lying down napping than others. Have you ever wondered how long a horse can safely lay down on his side? This article looks at how long a horse can lay down before...
Horses typically have four gaits, walk, trot, canter, and gallop and the difference between a trot and canter lies in the order in which the horse's legs move and whether the legs are moved...
Draw reins and martingales have different purposes, and it can be challenging to figure out when you need to use either. This article explains draw reins and martingales and how they should be...